Welcome Guests!

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9 Responses to Welcome Guests!

  1. Surajit says:

    Boro I just browsed thru this good useful site u have created.

    This can be very useful to the Nerist passouts, but I think the challange will be to get people to use it.


  2. shibashis khan says:

    yet another great start….kudos…but the start needs to be taken forward…..way forward…….lage raho….

  3. Joyprakash(JP '93 Batch) says:

    good site, let’s make it last a century!

  4. Chiram M says:

    A great creation… apart from being busy… Boro.

  5. Debashis says:

    Hi Bora da-

    Thanks for giving me an opprtunity to be here. And as a payback and gift I promise you 10 more guys fom my batch in a week.


  6. P. Bora says:

    Thanks…. yes, lets get-together..

  7. Debashis says:

    Bora da-

    My friends are already there. But tell you, I’ll try to drag people here. Swear by your name on a Friday evening.


  8. Anirban('98) says:

    Stupendous,to say the least..
    Wonder why very few are using it..Need to create an awareness campaign..

  9. Lardik Kare says:

    Dear all Neristians of ’86. It’s really great to see you all here after 16 long years.Let’s keep meeting here to rejuvenate good old days.

    Lardik Kare, 86 Batch.

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